1962 #788 RALLY DAY: coat, hunting cap, map, keys $2.50
Many costumes made in Japan for Barbie family product in the 60’s has ‘paper tag’ in addition to the label. now I suspect it’s probably from 1962. however these paper tag were NOT sewn on all Japan-made costume.
Coat-13 patterns : beige fabric(12), plaid fabric(1), 3 buttons, label/ 1 button loop, 2 sleeve belts, 2 decorative pockets,1 bent, half liner
Hunting cap-4 patterns :red fabric(4), fabric tape
1962 #788 RALLY DAY: コート、ハンティング帽子, 地図、鍵 $2.50

Barbie fashion 1961 #985 OPEN ROAD coat looks very similar with Rally Day coat, but the fabric is different. Also-Open Road coat is made of less fabric parts than it looks(7 parts-2 pockets and 1 lining fabrics are included). still Open Road has special parts 6 toggles and 3 handwoven loops.
バービー衣装 1961年 #985 OPEN ROADのコートはRallyDayにとても似ていますが生地はまったく違います。バービーのコートの生地パーツは見た目よりも少なく、7枚のパーツから作られています(7枚にはポケット2や裏地も含まれています)、特別な部品トグル6個と手作業で編まれたループ3がついています。