1962-63 Barbie and Ken pale blue booklet introduce Barbie and her 30 fashions, Ken and his 11 fashions
1962 order
Basic Barbie doll fashion model set
1. #911 Golden Girl
2. #921 Floral Petticoat
3. #961 Evening Splendour
4. #965 Nighty-Negligee Set
5. #967 Picnic Set
6. #969 Suburban Shopper
7. #972 Barbie’Wedding Day’set
8. #973 Sweet Dreams’
9. #975 Winter Holiday
10. #976 Sweater Girl
11. #977 Silken Flame
12. #978 Let’s Dance
13. #979 Friday Night Date
14. #982 Solo In The Spotlight
15. #983 Enchanted Evening
16. #984 American Airlines Stewardess
17. #985 Open Road
18. #986 Sheath Sensation
19. #987 Orange Blossom
20. #988 Singing In The Shower
21. #989 Ballerina
22. #991 Registered Nurse
23. #931 Garden Party
24. #933 Movie Date
25. #934 After 5
26. #937 Sorority Meeting
27. #939 Red Flare
28. #940 Mood For Music
29. #941 Tennis, Anyone
30. #942 Ice Breaker
1. #770 Campus Hero
2. #781 Sleeper Set
3. #782 Casuals
4. #783 Sport Shorts
5. #784 Terry Togs
6. #785 Dream Boat
7. #786 Saturday Date
8. #787 Tuxedo
9. #788 Rally Day
10. #789 The Yacht Man
11. #790 Time For Tennis
1962-63 booklet order
Basic Baribe doll fashion model set
#965 Nighty-Negligee Set
#973 Sweet Dreams’
#987 Orange Blossom
#939 Red Flare
#942 Ice Breaker
#961 Evening Splendour
#911 Golden Girl
#931 Garden Party
#979 Friday Night Date
#985 Open Road
#937 Sorority Meeting
#940 Mood For Music
#934 After 5
#911 Golden Girl
#988 Singing In The Shower
#921 Floral Petticoat
#933 Movie Date
#975 Winter Holiday
#941 Tennis, Anyone
#976 Sweater Girl
#969 Suburban Shopper
#978 Let’s Dance
#983 Enchanted Evening
#977 Silken Flame
#989 Ballerina
#984 American Airlines Stewardess
#986 Sheath Sensation
#967 Picnic Set
#982 Solo In The Spotlight
#972 Barbie’Wedding Day’set
#787 Tuxedo
#783 Sport Shorts
#770 Campus Hero
#785 Dream Boat
#782 Casuals
#786 Saturday Date
#789 The Yacht Man
#788 Rally Day
#784 Terry Togs
#790 Time For Tennis
#781 Sleeper Set
Also-19 Barbie fashion paks, game Queen Of The Prom $4.00, Barbie & Ken fashion patterns, 10 Ken fashion paks are introduced in the Barbie and Ken pale blue booklet
And #816 Barbie’s Dream House $8.00(leaflet) is also added to this booklet.
These fashion are sewn on card inside the box. instructions were already printed on the card in Japanese, every worker was able to make packages in the same way. Now we can know the packing year roughly from genuine NRFB. all NRFB fashions here are from the internet.
1962年のブックレット(Barbie and Ken pale blue booklet)ではバービーと30種類の衣装、ケンと11種類の衣装が紹介されています。
さらにーバービーの19種類のfashion paks、Barbie game Queen Of The Prom $4.00, ケンの10種類のFashion paksが紹介されています。
また、さらに#816 Barbie’s Dream House #8.00(折込み印刷物)もこのブックレットに入っています。
書かれている年代はブックレットを表しています。たとえば’#911 GOLDEN GIRL(1959-1962)’の場合は1959年から1962年のブックレットに載っていたという意味です、1962年のブックレットに載っていたものは1962年から1963年のために作られた衣装で、売れ残っていたら1964年でも販売されていたと思います。
#931 GARDEN PARTY(1962-1963)
Cotton dress, Short white gloves, White open toe shoes $2.00
The reproduction #931(2012) has been added pearl necklace. also been attached Barbie and Ken blue booklet(reprinted).
復刻版#931(Let’s play Barbie 2012)にはパールのネックレス(追加)と復刻版の1962年ブックレット(バービーとケンが並ぶ表紙/水色)がセットされています。

#933 MOVIE DATE(1962-1963)
Cotton dress $1.50
This stripe fabric was also used for 1964 Ken fashion #0781 SLEEPER SET.
このストライプの生地は1964年 ケン衣装#0781 SLEEPER SETにも使われました

#934 AFTER 5(1962-1963)/#0934 AFTER 5(1964)
Dress, Hat, Black open toe shoes $2.00

#937 SORORITY MEETING(1962-1963)
Sheath dress, Cardigan, Hat, Brown open toe shoes, Pearl necklace, Earrings $2.50
the illustration for #937 is added white short gloves and bag in the booklets(Barbie and Ken pale blue, 1963 white/blue)

#939 RED FLARE(1962-1963)/#0939 RED FLARE(1964-1965)
Velvet coat, Hat, Hand bag, Long white gloves, Red open toe shoes $3.00

#940 MOOD FOR MUSIC(1962-1963)
Cardigan, White knit dickey, Velvet capris, Pearl choker, Gold wedge shoes $3.00

#941 TENNIS,ANYONE(1962-1963)/#0941 TENNIS,ANYONE?(1964)
Tennis dress, Tennis sweater, Tennis shoes, Socks, Goggles, Rule book ‘TENNIS RULES’, Racquet, 2 balls $3.00

#942 ICEBREAKER(1962-1963)/#0942 ICEBREAKER(1964)
Skating skirt, Furry jacket, Knit leotard, Long stockings, Skates $3.00