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Barbie Fashion 1959 #964 ‘GAY PARISIENNE’ COSTUME(R label without ©)

1959 #964 ‘GAY PARISINNE’ COSTUME: dress, fur stole, long gloves, pearl necklace, tulle hat, bag, earrings  $4.00  

Dress(3 fabric parts/dress+6 fabric parts/2 ribbons):blue pin-dot printed taffeta fabric, white nylon sheer fabric, YKK zipper, label

Fur stole(1 fur+1 fabric part):white rabbit fur, white satin fabric, label, 1 hook

Tulle hat(3 tulle fabric parts):blue tulle fabric,2 clear beads, grosgrain ribbon tape, thin metal plate

Bag(2 fabric parts):gold velvet fabric, white satin fabric, 1 button, 1 ling

Long gloves(1 fabric parts/single glove):white tricot fabric, hand sewing or machine made

shown here is 1959 outfit ‘Gay Parisienne’ costume from TY collection of a passionate vintage doll collector. enjoy with me the one of most famous vintage Barbie outfit ever! the outfit looks to be never played with,the bubble dress has an original paper form. with R label without ©mark, hand-sewn gloves, and the smallest YKK zipper(smaller than regular zipper) is sewn on the back!

Also another Gay Parisienne outfit is included here, with R label, the smallest YKK zipper. These labels are different from normal R label, there are no ‘©’ marks in front of ‘BY MATTEL’ (apparently there were two types of Barbie R label). I have attached some photos on this article for reference, I find them in the internet.

TM/R means a claim of right to the ‘Barbie’ logo, also © means the right to doll shape and design. probably ‘R without ©’ label was used by some mistake, maybe used for a short time. this is my guess though.

This time, I didn’t use the original earrings/shoes/gloves when shooting, why because they are very fragile. I’ve used replacement instead of original. only bendable leg doll wearing the original shoes.

Thank you SO much TY sun for showing your wonderful collection to everyone on my site!

1959 #964 ‘GAY PARISIENNNE’ COSTUME:ドレス、ファーストール、ロング手袋、パールネックレス、チュールハット、バッグ、イアリング、  $4.00  

ドレス(生地パーツ3/ドレス+生地パーツ6/リボン2):ブルー色のピンドットのタフタ生地,白色ナイロンシアー生地、YKK ジッパー(サイズ0)、ラベル



バッグ(生地パーツ2):ゴールド色のヴェルヴェット生地、白色のサテン生地、ボタン1、Oリング 1




1960 #850 blonde ponytail Barbie in 1959 #964 ‘Gay Parisienne’ costume.

TYコレクションから紹介する3番目の衣装はGay Parisienne。とても状態が良く、ほとんど遊ばれていないと思われる衣装です。ドレスにはオリジナルの紙の芯が残っています。





Two Gay Parisiennes. TY collection is the right.


‘Gay Parisienne’ costumeはアメリカンガールにも似合うと思います.

1966 #1020 brunette bendable leg Ken(blushing) in 1966 #1426 Here Comes The Groom(complete) with a stick/1965 # 1060 brunette American girl Barbie in 1959 #964 ‘Gay Parisienne’ costume.


Tulle hats and sandals in different colours, but the right shoes is correct. the left shoes should be set to 1959 #916 Commuter Set. but the left looks perfect for the left hat.

Gay Parisienneにセットされる靴の色は右側。左側は#916 Commuter Set(1959)にセットされる靴、しかし左側のチュールハットの色とマッチしている。

four set of gloves. the right side are sewn by hand stitches.

TYコレクションの’Gay Parisienne’ costumeには手縫いの手袋がセットされています。右側が手縫いの手袋です

No ‘©’ marks in front of ‘BY MATTEL’.

このRラベルは通常のRラベルとは違い’BY MATTEL’の前に’©’がありません。その為に字の配置が通常のRラベルとは違います

normal R label. ‘©’ mark written before ‘BY MATTEL’.

通常のRラベル。’BY MATTEL’の前に’©’があります。どうやらヴィンテージバービーのRラベルは2種類あるようです。




TM label already has © mark before R label appeared.

