In 1965, Bendable leg boys and girls came with a beautiful box! the overall of the bendable leg box was changed 2cm larger than previous box for straight leg.
Straight leg Ken/Allan box size 32×9×4.5㎝ → Bendable leg box size 34×11×6.5㎝(roughly)
Straight leg Barbie/Midge box size 30.5×8×4.5㎝ → Bendable leg box size 32×10.5×5.5㎝(roughly)
each bendable leg doll had own box and each box had two versions, ‘US print’ and ‘JAPAN print’. ‘US version’ is considered to be older from the attached booklet. Shown here, my Ken/Midge boxes are ‘US print’, Barbie/Allan boxes are ‘JAPAN print’ version. I’ve got boxes few, I have no choice but to study from this few examples. It’s interesting to compare the illustrations on the side of these boxes. there are 24 pictures in female boxes and all of them are different costumes and they are all new in 1965. in addition, there are another 9 new costumes not drawn here. compared to female costumes, there are fewer type of men’s costumes, Ken’s new 9 outfits were introduced in 1965 so Ken and Allan wear repeatedly the new 9 costumes and old costumes here. it’s also interesting to see that some costume are drawn in a properly updated versions! :The flight bag is added on #0779 American airlines Captain, white socks and tennis shoes are added on #1403 Going Bowling, and also added the white trousers on 1405 Roller Skate Date.
The design of this box is beautiful, but it’s a bit tricky to open. my two boxes are broken as you can see though I think these conditions are sometimes convenient for investigation. There were 6 type of bendable leg dolls sold(Barbie,Midge,Ken,Allan,Skipper, and Skooter). Only bendable leg Barbie of the 6 dolls was also sold in Japan, her Japanese product name was ‘Barbie bendable’. it seems that there were no clear rules for selling in Japan, there were also various styles for Japanese bendable leg Barbie probably, but I think American girl Barbie with curly hair should be in ‘Japan print box’. it would be okay if any Barbie which sold in Japan in any old box, but did the US printed box of leftovers remain in Japan?


いくつかの衣装は1965年スタイルにアップデートされたヴァージョンがきちんと描かれています。0779 American airlines Captainにはフライトバッグの追加,1403 Going Bowlingには白いソックスとテニスシューズの追加、 #1405 Roller Skate Dateには帽子が無くなって白いスラックスがセットされています。

