#983 ENCHANTED EVENING was listed in the US Barbie booklets bit ween 1960-63. this outfit also appeared in Japan in 1962, and some was made as Japanese exclusive version. this gorgeous outfit was also sold in Europe after 1964. this outfit was made for quite a long time and it’s one of the most mass-produced outfit.
this time I took apart a regular version pink gown with pink rose and found out it’s made of only 2 pieces of cloths. the sewing pattern really is simple, but I doubt -How many seamstresses can understand the dress-structure with out a sample dress? if there was no sample, maybe this outfit was made by a group who understood the structure and made in a place like factory ..this is just a my personal opinion though..
How is this rose attached on? the stem is made of wire, just hooked the wire on the tuck part of the gown so clearly this rose version is made easier than beads version which needs needle and thread to attach beads on.
#983 Enchanted Eveningは1960-63年のブックレットに登場していました。日本でも販売されていて(おそらく1962年から)、さらに日本仕様のEnchanted Eveningも登場していました。また1964年からヨーロッパでも販売されていました。Enchanted Eveningはかなり長い期間作られた、大量に生産された衣装の1つだと思います。
この花はどのようにドレスに付いているか? この造花は茎が針金になっています。その針金をドレスに引っかけてあるだけで全く縫われていません。ビーズヴァージョンのビーズは針と糸でドレスに縫われています。造花ヴァージョンは明らかに1つの工程がとても簡単になっています。