These are 1962 Japanese Barbie advertisements.
The first one is from Jan 1962 Japanese toy magazine(before-releasing date). in the advertisement, Barbie wishes “Happy New Year”. as the same as Japanese Barbie catalog, this #850 blonde bubble cut Barbie is using a black round base stand which was exclusive in Japan. she is wearing #982 Solo In The Spotlight(1960-64). at this point she did not make a friends with Midge and Ken yet so she was alone, exactly “Solo In Japan”. even the US, only a few months passed since release Ken at the Jan 1962.
The next one is also before-releasing ad from Japanese magazine Asahi Graph 9th Feb 1962. 19 Barbie dolls are wearing 1959-1961 clothes. it is interesting to see the Gay Parisienne and Roman Holiday on a 1962 advertisement. even in the US, both outfits were not sold for a year. I am not sure what the background is.
The third one is from Japanese magazine Dress Making Jul 1962. Barbie doll appears in a stockings advertisement of Japanese socks manufacturer.
If I ever find another 1962 Japanese Barbie family advertisement, I will add it on this article. please keep this blog site up to date!
1枚目はバービーの日本発売前の広告です。1962年1月の東京玩具商報の中で彼女は#982 Solo In The Spotlight(1960-64)を着て新年のあいさつをしています。

2枚目はバービー日本発売に合わせた1962年2月9日号のアサヒグラフの記事だそうです。19体のバービー達が1959-1961年の衣装を着ています。1962年の日本の広告に、アメリカでも1年間も販売されなかったGay Parisienneや RomanHolidayが登場しています。

3枚目 バービーは靴下の会社のストッキングの広告に登場しています。ドレスメーキング 1962年7月号。