#983 Enchanted Evening in WHITE with BEADS.
This is an Enchanted Evening white gown of mine. it came with a necklace and gloves though, I’m not sure if these accessories are original. the gown has got beads on the waist, I have seen some white version the same as this so far, but as far as I can see there was always no accessories.
I had asked for help here. now I’ve considered that this white gown was made as a sample. for the reason, read here
If you still have other information, please let me know! the gown was made in WHITE with BEADS. this is different from the type made in WHITE with ROSE. contact@yukkana.com
WHITE with ROSE version is considered the one of the rare Japanese exclusive. according to a reader of this site Y.K, the white gown with rose was introduced as ‘rare Japanese exclusive’ at Barbie Retoro Chic exhibition at the Musee de la poupee-Paris France 11th Feb to 13th Sep in 2014.
#983 Enchanted Evening 白色/ビーズ
これは私の白色のEnchanted Eveningのドレスです。ネックレスと手袋がセットになっていましたがこれらのアクセサリがオリジナルか判りません。今までに何枚か同じタイプのドレスを見たのですがそれらはいつもアクセサリが揃っていませんでした。
白色/花のタイプのEnchanted Eveningは’レアの日本仕様’の1つのようです。このサイトの読者であるY・K様の情報で、2014年2/11から9/13まで行われていたパリの人形博物館での企画展【BarbieRetoroChic exhibition at the Musee de la poupee-Paris France 11th feb to 13th sep 2014】に’レアの日本仕様’として展示されていたとのことです。