‘How vintage Ken’s face is drawn’. this is my study but the research is still in progress so future discoveries may change my way of thinking and perspective. I’ve examined my Ken doll’s face mainly. as far as I can see his eye brows, eyes(white part and blue part) looks to be drawn with a stencil/spray from his beginning. I can’t say for sure about his lips for now though I expected his lips also stencil/spray as basis. the lips colour of early flocked hair Ken may has faded OR very lightly coloured(very pale pink) therefore it’s hard to observe. Also some of early Ken’s lips has a filled shape(angel’s bow, upper lip). however most other expressions seems to be added by hand and it changes with the times.
1961 #750 light brownette flocked hair KEN
Same as the basis, this Ken’s eye brows, eyes(white part and blue part) and lips looks to be drawn with a stencil/spray. also his upper lip has a filled shape.
the black part of his eyes(pupils), eye shadows, eye liners, and white-dashes in the pupils are drawn by hand with a thin brush.
Expected order of his eye: 1.eye(white, stencil/spray), 2.iris(blue, stencil/spray), 3.eye shadow and very thin line under the eye(pale brown, hand-painted), 4.eye liner(brown, hand-painted), 5.more one thin eye liner(dark brown, hand-painted), 6.pupil(black, hand-painted), 7.small dash in pupil(white, hand-painted).
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います:1.目(白色, ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイシャドウと目の下の細い線(薄い茶色,手描き), 4.アイライン(茶色,手描き), 5.さらに細いアイライン(濃い茶色,手描き), 6.瞳孔(黒色,手描き), 7.瞳孔の中の小さい線(白色,手描き).

1961 #750 dark brownette flocked hair KEN
this Ken looks like he has the same drawing-way and the expected order as the Ken above.

another 1961 #750 dark brownette flocked hair KEN
His face looks almost the same as the two brownette Ken dolls above, but his expected-order of his eye would be different. his pupils(black part) are drawn before the eye liners. also he has an extra touching around his eyelids.
Expected order of the eye of this Ken: 1.eye(white, stencil/spray), 2.iris(blue, stencil/spray), 3.eye shadow and very thin line under the eye(pale brown, hand-painted), 4.pupil(black, hand-painted), 5.eye liner(brown, hand-painted), 6.more one thin eye liner(dark brown, hand-painted), 7.small dash in pupils(white, hand-painted), 8. extra touching around his eye(black).
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います: 1.目(白色,ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイシャドウと目の下の細い線(薄い茶色,手描き),4.瞳孔(黒色,手描き), 5.アイライン(茶色,手描き), 6.さらに細いアイライン(濃い茶色,手描き), 7.瞳孔の中の小さい線(白色,手描き), 8. 上瞼の周辺の線(黒色).

1961 #750 brunette flocked hair KEN
His eye brows and eyes(white part, blue part) are drawn with a stencil/spray the same as the dolls above. the white small dots are drawn in blue irises as already discovered. Some drawing steps have been reduced, his ‘eye shadows’ are no longer drawn.
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います: 1.目(白色,ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイライン(茶色,手描き),4.瞳孔(黒色,手描き), 5.瞳の中の小さい点(白色,手描き)