This research is still in progress so future discoveries may change my way of thinking and perspective.
mountain shape of upper lip’s is drawn on some Ken.
Also on some Ken, the white small-dot in blue iris looks to be drawn with some tool with a rounded tip, but still on some Ken, the white small-dots are clearly hand-painted.
about the tool with a rounded tip. like a stamp, press it on Ken’s iris area and attach a small dot, maybe his pupil too.
何か先が丸い道具について(スタンプ) 何かの道具をおそらくスタンプのようなして点や瞳孔を描いた(付けた)ように思われる人形があります。
1962 #750 blonde flocked hair KEN
As the same as 1961 Ken, this doll’s eye brows, eyes(white part, blue part) are drawn with a stencil/spray. I’ve expected that his lips are also stencil/spray. the white small dots in his irises and his eye liners are drawn with a thin brush. his pupils(black part) looks to be drawn by hand, using some tool or thin brush.
Expected order of his eye: 1.eye(white, stencil/spray), 2.iris(blue, stencil/spray), 3.eye liner(brown, hand-painted), 4.very thin line under the eye(brown, hand-painted), 5.pupil(black, hand-painted, brush or stamp), 6.small dash in iris(white, hand-painted). the mountain shape of his upper lip is drawn a little.
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います:1.目(白色, ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイライン(茶色,手描き), 4.目の下の細いアイライン(茶色,手描き), 5.瞳孔(黒色,手描き,細い筆かスタンプ(何かの道具), 6.瞳の中の小さい点(白色,手描き).

Other 1962 #750 brunette and blonde flocked hair KENs, they are very similar.
The painting way of these Kens are very similar. the white small-dots in their blue irises looks to be drawn with a tool and their upper lips are a filled.

another 1962 #750 brunette flocked hair Ken
the mountain shape on his upper lip is drawn. his white small-dashes are drawn with a thin brush. his left eye has two pupils those are slightly misaligned and overlap. it looks to be drawn twice or stamped double. see the first image in this article.

1962 #750 blonde flocked hair Ken with thin eye-brows
Expected order of his eye: 1.eye(white, stencil/spray), 2.iris(blue, stencil/spray), 3.eye liner(brown and light brown, hand-painted), 4.very thin line under the eye(brown, hand-painted), 5.pupil(black, hand-painted, brush or stamp), 6.small dash in iris(white, stamp probably).
the mountain shape of his upper lip is drawn.
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います:1.目(白色, ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイライン(茶色と薄い茶色,手描き), 4.目の下の細いアイライン(茶色,手描き), 5.瞳孔(黒色,手描き,細い筆かスタンプ), 6.瞳の中の小さい点(白色,おそらくスタンプ).

1962 #750 blonde flocked hair Ken used for K787
his pupils are obviously bigger. it may be drawn with a brush after all.