This research is still in progress so future discoveries may change my way of thinking and perspective.
His blue iris and pupil may be ‘one-print’ after 1965.
Cheeks are coloured with an air brush.
‘blushing Ken’は頬をエアブラシで赤く塗られています。
1966 #1020 brunette blushing Ken
His eye brows, eyes(white part) and lips are drawn with a stencil/spray the same as before.
expected order of this eye: 1.eye(white, stencil/spray), 2.iris(blue, stencil/spray), 3.eye liner(dark brown, stencil or print), 4.thin lines around the under eye(brown, hand-painted), 5.pupil(dark brown, stencil or print), 6. very thin lines around iris(brown, hand-painted).
このケンの目はおそらくこのような順序で描かれたと思います:1.目(白色, ステンシル), 2.瞳(青色,ステンシル), 3.アイライン(濃い茶色,ステンシルまたはプリント), 4.目の下の細いアイライン(茶色,手描き), 5.瞳孔(黒色,ステンシルまたはプリント),6.瞳のまわりの細い線(茶色、手描き).

1966 #1020 blonde blushing Ken
there are few individual differences compared to around 1964 face.

1966 #0750 brunette blushing Ken

1966-67 #1020 blonde blushing Ken
The left eye of the Ken head below may be a proof that the eye(white part) is drawn first. his blue iris and pupil(would be ‘one-print’) are placed on the eye later.