This category “Japanese exclusive/irregular product” is a showcase of non-regular products in my collection which seems to be sold in Japan market.
compare two Tuxedo jackets below. the left side is a regular product which has black full lining. the right side is a irregular product which full-lining is grey. this jacket is the same as regular jacket except for the grey lining. I’ve confirmed that this grey is not fading, grey thread is used on.
I found this Tuxedo outfit (including this grey lining jacket) at Japanese auctions. I am not sure if it is an original configuration.
Jacket with grey full lining/boutonniere on lapel/R label/1964 style dress shirt with no label/trousers with snap/cotton socks/corsage/black shoes. missing a bow tie and a cummerbund.
Regarding the Japanese specification of Ken, I’ve confirmed below items so far.
1:Almost the same as regular items, but with different some small point like buttons or lining (Dream Boat, Tuxedo)
2:The sewing pattern is the same but the fabric of another costume is used (Best Man trousers)-I also found a Tuxedo-shirt(panel) with a different costume’s fabric, but I don’t know if it’s a Japanese specification.
3:The sewing pattern is the same and another fabric(Japan only) is used(Here Comes The Groom tailcoat)
画像下 Tuxedoのジャケット。左側はレギュラー製品で裏地は黒色です。右側は規格外製品で裏地はグレイ色です。使われている糸もグレイ色なので裏地は色褪せではありません。
グレイ色の裏地のジャケット(R)/1964年スタイルのドレスシャツ(ラベルなし)/スラックス(スナップ)/コットンソックス/黒色の靴 蝶ネクタイ/カマバンドはありません。
1:通常品とほぼ同じ、ボタンや裏地などの細かい点が異なる(Dream Boat, Tuxedo)
2:縫製パターンは同じ、別衣装の生地を使用(Best Man スラックス)別衣装の生地のタキシードシャツ(パネル)も発見しましたが、日本仕様かどうかはわかりません。
3:縫製パターンは同じ、別生地(日本限定)を使用(Here Comes The Groom燕尾服)